Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Ik kan hem wel lezen, maar er niet op reageren (A) Is hij pas na negen klaar? Dx
Character profiel Leeftijd: 16 ~ Almost 17 Partner: Not impressed Eigenaar/paard: Burry me with you
Eleanor is een beetje verwend nest, en arrogant, maar ze is ook best aardig, het ligt eraan hoe ze zich voelt. Nu i ze vrij aardig. Maar heb nu nog maar 468 woorden.
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Haha dat merk ik Eleanor, thuis leek ze verwend nest. Maar in stallen valt ze (nu) wel mee
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Oh ja zag het ook pas later *fail*
En ja de hengst/paard misschien had ik iets duidelijker moeten zijn ^_^'
I want Spring.... De radio speelt alleen maar zomer liedjes en lente is al over 3 weekes. Heb zin in korte mouwen en topjes
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Mijn post goed, dacht het niet. Veel te langdraderig voor mijn gevoel ^_^'
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Gelezen, ga reageren en het is helemaal geen flut hoor ;D
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Dat verwachtte ik al Ik heb de post van HH af ben nu op de kwart van post voor Eleanor
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard:
Het hoeft niet als je het niet wilt hoor
Maar ik moet nu gaan reageren gaat zoiezo niet meer lukken lezen wel
Character profiel Leeftijd: 17 Partner: Watch out dangerous boy is in the city he has already stolen and broken many hearts. So look out than you not fall in love with him Because then you're helplessly lost.... Eigenaar/paard: